Tuesday, December 22, 2015

(Dec 22) Power Systems

The power company finally finished with their part in getting us hooked up to the grid and we got started on getting power run to the house. They were kind enough to run us a trench so we headed to Home Depot and got all of the conduit and supplies. We decided to also run a water line from the meter area to the house for future projects. Might as well since we had the trench there already.

Trench from meter base to house

Kim attaching some conduit 

Power conduit running from meter to the house

Meter with water and power run to the house

Driveway after the rain

The good news is that we finally have power in the house. The bad news is that our driveway is unusable for quite some time. The power company backfilled best as they could but after we got 4"-5" of rain over the past week, the trench has compacted and caved in down most of the drive. The dirt that's on top now is also too soft to drive on. I got stuck a couple of times in the go-kart. I can't imagine bringing a 5000 lb truck down the road. :(  Maybe it will continue to fill in with additional rain and then harden as it dries. Either way, I'm sure glad we did the power first instead of laying road base which would have been a total waste of time and money. Hopefully, we can look at road base this summer when it has had a chance to harden up.

Jump to Solar Panel entry.

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